To all colleagues We decided to delay this week’s update until we had listened to Boris Johnson last night. Last week saw a spike, with high volumes during the four days running up to the VE Bank Holiday – we are unsure whether the higher volumes were a general increase, or just a reaction to the Bank Holiday week. After listening to the Prime Minister’s update, we will monitor the customer volumes closely, The Prime Minister has ‘encouraged’ the construction & manufacturing industries to safely start moving again, and we hope that general volumes (and specifically construction volumes) may start to increase. That could be great news for us, as a large percentage of our business is geared around those sectors of industry and as volumes increase, we will react by slowly re-introducing vehicles to match the demands. However, the key focus is to stay safe at all costs and we remain very cautious, following the Government guidelines. We must keep up with social distancing safety requirements, with customers monitoring our attitude and performance – we cannot have any groups of drivers / staff congregating at any time. The safety guidelines are there for all, and are very important to ensure that we do not have to revert to more restrictions. Just a reminder that 2020 is designated as International Year of the Nurse. There is a commemoration on Tuesday 12th May at 8.00pm of Florence Nightingale’s birthday – 200 years since she was born. Our Highbridge office will be safely lighting Torches/ lamps in remembrance, and ask you all to join us Wherever you are – in your lorry or at home, to light a torch for 5 minutes and thank our wonderful NHS for the wonderful care they are giving us. Please remember –

Stay Alert

Control the virus

Save lives

Many thanks

Stuart Keedwell

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Dee Keedwell