Since the last update the national lockdown has eased slightly but we must maintain standards for our own safety, and still need to adhere to the government guidelines – • Social distancing – strictly 2 metres gap • Wash hands regularly • Do not become complacent – think about what you need to do to stay safe None of us want to see a second peak and any further lockdown measures! From a trading perspective, customer volumes are still fairly slow but seem to be getting busier. We are putting 1 or 2 additional vehicles back on the road weekly to keep the customers serviced properly. The construction sector is particularly slow in coming back, but hopefully we will see an increase in June and more construction lorries back on the road. As a business, we have used the lockdown to look at our business closely. Where we are and aren’t efficient, and what we need to do to become stronger as the economy starts to return to some normality. We have started the process of centrally planning the General haulage fleet from our Highbridge office and are pleased with how the team are progressing. This amongst other areas that we have looked at should hold us in good stead for the future. We cannot honestly see that things will ever go back to exactly as they were before lockdown and as a business we have to be able to adapt and improve to succeed in these challenging times. I do feel we are in a good position to do this if everybody plays their part in a pro-active way, with a ‘can do’ attitude. As they say ‘when the going gets tough, the tough get going!’