Coronavirus Update 7/4/2020
Another week has passed since our last update, and Coronavirus is affecting everyone now with rising death tolls.
It is more important than ever to stay safe and follow the Government guide lines.
To aid this, and in accordance with our customers’ wishes, we have virtually shut our construction side of the business with the exception of only 2 trucks operating.
The Pallet Network operation is still running at close to 90% capacity, and our General Haulage operation is running at around 60%. These are primarily serving the food and drinks industry, deemed to be essential services.
With the peak being predicted to be in the next week or so,
we will monitor these numbers on a daily basis. We are living in surreal times
at the moment, and we all have to do what is absolutely necessary to see it
through and resume some form of normality.
This just leaves me to thank everyone for all your support in these difficult times.
Above all stay safe.
Stuart Keedwell